
26. April 2024

Google Books Reveals How Words Have Changed In Popularity Over Time

25.01.2012 14:19, businessinsider

Googles nGram Viewer is an amazing tool that lets users search word frequencies over the history of publishing.
The folks at Zerohedge turned us onto the cool widget after tweeting about a bizarre spike in the early 1940s for iphone (some digging reveals this was caused by a surge in sales for the Edison Companys Ediphone dictation device).
The tool searches Googles collection Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

2012 Is Looking Great For Global Growth Of Apple iOS And Google Android Devices

26.12.2011 19:51, News
A lot has changed in the booming smartphone battle between Apple iOS and Google Android since 2007. The newest generation of smartphones and tablets, including new models debuting at CES 2012, has evolved into powerful always-connected devices that have changed the videogame industry. According to a new report from Flurry, this battle between technology giants … mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Meilensteine: 100 Millionen Downloads aus dem Mac App Store, 500.000 Apps im iOS AppStore

Wir gratulieren dem Mac AppStore, dem jüngsten AppStore der Apple Familie, zum 100-Millionsten Download. Innerhalb von weniger als einem Jahr. /> Aber nicht nur das ist ein großer Meilenstein: Im AppStore hat man nun die Auswahl von über einer halben Million iOS Apps.In just three years the App Store changed how people get mobile apps, and now the Mac App Store is changing the traditional PC software industry. Quelle: iPhone News.Org… [weiterlesen]